This musical duo, known collectively as She Wants Revenge, hail from "The Valley" (as in San Fernando), and have been gaining respect and admiration from fans and peers with their dark, dancey brand of rock and roll.
Respectful of their 80's influences, their synthpop sound has gained them support status on the tours for many of these same influences - Depeche Mode, Psychedelic Furs (even proving ultimate hero worship by covering "Love My Way"), and most recently Peter Murphy. Often compared in the press to gothic rockers such as Joy Division, Bauhaus, and Sisters of Mercy, Adam Bravin and Justin Warfield prefer to be regarded as more of a "dark dance" sounding band, not only "dark wave".
In a 2009 interview at, Justin described it as such:
"Dark wave to me is much darker than what we do. I mean honestly I consider it dancy rock n roll, not like rock n roll like early stones dancy rock n roll but certainly rock n roll to me like dance. And we’ve said before it’s like dark dance because it’s an easy way for people to wrap their heads around it. But you say dancy rock n roll and someone can think Eagles or Death Metal. If you get more specific yeah it’s dark and its influences lie in stuff like Psychedelic Furs, Franz, and stuff like that....."
Be sure to visit their website for the free download of a half-dozen remixes of "Take The World".
If you're keen to see this pair live, and you're in the Toronto area, She Wants Revenge play Lee's Palace on November 23rd, in support of goth influence Peter Murphy, who is touring to support his latest release, Ninth.
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